wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     
Nikandra spełnił kryterium Loot 200,000 gold osiągnięcia Got My Mind On My Money.     
Tooly zdobył Fairweather Helm.     
Muattin zdobył osiągnięcie The Dirty Five.     
Yoozku zdobył Parrotfeather Cloak.     
Mlody89 zdobył Royal Apothecary Drape.     
Weakness zabił Dazar, The First King (Mythic King's Rest) po raz 6.     
liq spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Osiol spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Wuntu zabił Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth (Heroic Uldir) po raz 1.     
Olsa zabił Vectis (Heroic Uldir) po raz 6.     
Sarenus spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
kajtasus zdobył osiągnięcie Come Sail Away.     
ossir spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
mcpablo spełnił kryterium Alliance players slain. osiągnięcia Frontline Slayer.     
Emmm zabił Taloc (Heroic Uldir) po raz 17.     
AsaGorth spełnił kryterium Big-Mouth Clam osiągnięcia The Oceanographer.     

Please Do Not Remove the Legendary Ring Quest

blizz -> wysłany:
  • The pre-patch will prevent players from starting the quest line if they are not already on it, while allowing (1/2)
  • those who are in progress a chance to finish. When #Legion launches, the questline will become unavailable. (2/2)

World of Warcraft is such a unique game. There are thousands of hours that can be invested in the vast amount of content you have added throughout the years. We can still journey through Outlands to stop Illidan. We can still undertake the cold reaches of Northrend and stop the Lich King. We can save Azeroth from Deathwing, and we can still travel to Pandaria to put a stop to Garrosh's Plans.

The Legendary Rings, just like the Legendary Cloaks that came before them represent a significant amount of story, that can never be experienced if they are removed. It's sad to think that after Legion drops or even years from now that you will never be able to experience these quests simply because Blizzard wants them to become a status symbol. Players who haven't yet expeirenced this content yet or even alternate characters will not be able to experience, the lore, the voice acting, the quest objectives, or the explore the world where necessary to acquire these items.

I bear no ill will on those who complete content or earn achievements or acquire legendaries after an expansion has passed. It doesn't bother me that people still acquire all of these:

What does bother me is that you are removing this content not because of technical reasons, not because of lore reasons, only just because you believe these are to honored as a status symbol. Unlike the Cloaks, you cannot even see these rings unless you inspect someone. We have titles and achievements that perfectly differentiate between those that have mastered content while it was relevant. Warlords of Draenor doesn't need the little content it did have removed from the game. I also fully believe the Mists of Pandaria content should also be restored. I don't think when an expansion is over that items or content should simply be removed.

As someone who has already completed this content, I think it just plain stinks that the only way to experience these quests would be to watch them on YouTube. That's just not right.
blizz -> wysłany:
I had a whole post written out but then my computer decided it was going to restart and I lost it all. :'( Let me see if I can come up with all of it again...

Suffice it to say, this shouldn't be coming through as news as this was announced prior to the launch of Warlords. This still stands consistent with our viewpoint on how we will be treating such Legendary items such as these going forward (not to say there won't ever be items that work otherwise... but, you get the point).

On a personal note, I rather enjoy the consistency of the newer Legendaries. With the older items, in their time, a guild would have to devote all of it's resources behind one player who would be the sole owner of any specific legendary. I think it goes without saying that this led to a tiny fraction of the population ever experiencing the stories around these items in their height. The new Legendaries are the complete opposite of this - they are available to any player who is actively playing the game, and there are no boundaries on obtaining the item that would require such a devotion of resources as older Legendaries did.

As the ring will become a permanent point of recognition of all of your character's time and effort in Warlords of Draenor, we want these kind of items to remain as a way to say "I was there!" and to show that you followed along in the content when it was current.

This is also a good time to point out that there's no time like the present to get started on the quest line if this is an item you want in the future. Wowhead has an awesome step-by-step guide on this if you'd like to take a look:

This isn't to go and say that we don't appreciate the feedback here. We are definitely reading it all so feel free to share your thoughts!
blizz -> wysłany:
03/30/2016 12:21 PMPosted by Jazrozi
03/30/2016 12:16 PMPosted by Ornyx
we want these kind of items to remain as a way to say "I was there!" and to show that you followed along in the content when it was current.

This really isn't necessary, in my opinion, and really, I think it adds more frustration to the game than any sense of accomplishment.

In your opinion, why does this add frustration?
blizz -> wysłany:
03/30/2016 12:22 PMPosted by Adamsmith
03/30/2016 12:16 PMPosted by Ornyx
As the ring will become a permanent point of recognition of all of your character's time and effort in Warlords of Draenor, we want these kind of items to remain as a way to say "I was there!" and to show that you followed along in the content when it was current.

That's what achievements are for is it not?

Looking at the current span of Legendary achievements, I would say no. Just by having Thunderfury, you get the achievement - it doesn't really show that you obtained the item in Classic WoW.
blizz -> wysłany:
03/30/2016 12:16 PMPosted by Ornyx
I think it goes without saying that this led to a tiny fraction of the population ever experiencing the stories around these items in their height.

03/30/2016 12:16 PMPosted by Ornyx
The new Legendaries are the complete opposite of this - they are available to any player who is actively playing the game,

I get that only a few experienced the story due to how legendaries were handled before, only certain classes, but it's rather contradicting to say these are the opposite when it's going to cut off players who aren't here now and before Legion to experience it.

I don't necessarily think that's contradictory. Going on our statements in the past:

09/17/2014 05:38 PMPosted by Bashiok
Not intending at all to undermine any concerns, because I do think it's very valid to ask why and receive an honest answer, but to quote your post:

09/16/2014 10:24 AMPosted by Mordecaí
Why punish players who dont subscribe every month?

And answer a question with a question:

Why not reward players who subscribe every month?

Aarrick makes a great point. The Mists and WoD legendaries lose a lot of prestige simply on the basis of being doable through LFR. That isn't a dis on the LFR players, but rather the difficulty which usually errs on the side of 'laughable'.

Ultimately there's no more prestige to LRFegendaries than there is to one-shotting KJ for a hunter's bow.

I don't think we are pointing to the "prestige" of how you acquire the item, but rather the "prestige" of when you acquire the item.

I agree, though, looking at "prestige" in that way.

03/30/2016 12:58 PMPosted by Essentia
If you want to take the reward away then so be it.

But you shouldn't remove the quest entirely considering it's a huge part of the lore and struggle that took place on Draenor. The entire expansion was based off this.

I appreciate the feedback on the questline containing a ton of the story of Warlords. That's something I will pass on and bring up a conversation about.
blizz -> wysłany:
03/30/2016 01:22 PMPosted by Amaer
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Looking at the current span of Legendary achievements, I would say no. Just by having Thunderfury, you get the achievement - it doesn't really show that you obtained the item in Classic WoW.

Achievement dates are a thing.

In this case, I'm not sure a date makes for an argument on the side of the players who put effort into obtaining the items.


Again, thanks for the feedback so far! I'm planning to spring up a conversation about the questlines themselves, since I know players here have shared concerns more about losing the story, and less about losing the Legendary.