For years, I haven't really had a problem with multi-boxers. Pay your money, macro your party, do what you do. But I just had every single member of my guild log off due to the grief a multi-boxer was causing in Lion's Watch. Apparently he had a few locks, shamans, dks, and monks and was un-killable and may have been a ten-man instead of a five-man team. And he has been griefing Lion's Watch for days.
Multi-boxing equals money. More accounts, more money. That's the pro business point. That's the only pro point. You can not argue that there is a player's pro point for multi-boxing. "Well, I only play alone and I really want the party experience..." It's a MMO. If you can type a few words on a keyboard, you can join a guild and have a party experience. You don't have to pay for multiple accounts to simulate a party experience. I could continue, but there's no point in arguing what is obvious; Multi-boxers pay more money to have an unfair advantage. If they didn't think they would have an advantage, they wouldn't pay money. So... It needs to end. Fair is fair. Multi-boxing isn't fair. End it.
Multi-boxing equals money. More accounts, more money. That's the pro business point. That's the only pro point. You can not argue that there is a player's pro point for multi-boxing. "Well, I only play alone and I really want the party experience..." It's a MMO. If you can type a few words on a keyboard, you can join a guild and have a party experience. You don't have to pay for multiple accounts to simulate a party experience. I could continue, but there's no point in arguing what is obvious; Multi-boxers pay more money to have an unfair advantage. If they didn't think they would have an advantage, they wouldn't pay money. So... It needs to end. Fair is fair. Multi-boxing isn't fair. End it.