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Updates from @WarcraftDevs - Patch 6.2.3

blizz -> wysłany:
This thread is an archive of @WarcraftDevs tweets regarding patch 6.2.3.

For tweets regarding the World of Warcraft: Legion Alpha Test, please click here.


@WarcraftDevs is an official World of Warcraft Twitter account offering design insight and information directly from the World of Warcraft Development Team.

For past updates, please refer to Updates from @WarcraftDevs - Patch 6.2.2/6.2.3.
blizz -> wysłany:

4/4 Valor upgrades coming tomorrow for US and on Wednesday for EU?

We’re not sure how this rumor got started, but we’re not planning to add 4/4 Valor Upgrades.
blizz -> wysłany:

Are you planning to remove the Legendary Ring questline once Legion launches?

The pre-patch will prevent players from starting the quest line if they are not already on it, while allowing those who are in progress a chance to finish. When Legion launches, the questline will become unavailable.
blizz -> wysłany:

Any plans to stop people from 'realm-hopping' into raids trying to form then leaving at once?

We realize it’s a major nuisance and we’re investigating solutions.
blizz -> wysłany:

Any plans to stop people from 'realm-hopping' into raids trying to form then leaving at once?

We realize it’s a major nuisance and we’re investigating solutions.
blizz -> wysłany:

With conquest being removed as a currency will players still receive the Conquest to Gold conversion at the end of this season?

Yes, you will still receive gold for conquest and honor at the end of this season.