I had vast evidence of cheating and greifing once, and got in trouble for it because I was apparently "Naming and Shaming".
Yea they were all Russian, I couldn't understand a single name! I wasn't trying to name and shame, I was showing the end scores and all the stats in comparison to ours. It was dismissed completely.
04/11/2015 17:22Posted by
Trekus Except that Blizzard does not accept pictures or videos as proof. If you do bring such proof to the forums, you get a forum ban.
When it comes to the forums any screenshots, videos or even text that shows the names of other players and accuses them of anything is considered to be "Naming and Shaming" as outlined under Harassment in the
Forum Code of Conduct. Potentially innocent players can become victims of abusive campaigns as a result of being wrongfully named and shamed.
Of course, this isn't to say all such reports are invalid, they just need to be made through the appropriate channels so that they reach the right people. The forums are not the correct place for such reports and while I will certainly forward any reports from the forums onto the relevant people, you're ultimately cutting out the person in the middle by using the correct channels.
03/11/2015 17:21Posted by
Ishayu However, there are a great deal of users who simply need the manual banhammer because their presence is so damaging to the game that they need to be removed ASAP.
Yep I get where you're coming from here. Honestly, this is where individual reports made in-game using the in-game reporting system really shine through in these cases. These reports are investigated by our Customer Support team. Again this process is not instantaneous and is determined by a lot of factors. If someone is punished, we want sufficient evidence on file so that if that person contests the decision, the Game Master they speak to has everything required to review the matter thoroughly.
03/11/2015 17:21Posted by
Ishayu The point I'm trying to make is this: The sheer scale of the cheating often becomes so enormous that even a casual glance at the PvP scene would reveal tens of thousands of cheaters. Because of how easy it is to spot, people become upset that they even have to report it at all; it's so obvious.
We certainly do understand that players want such unsporting behavior to be handled rapidly and we are continually refining and evolving our methods of detecting and combating such behavior with this goal in mind.