Hello everyone. As you can tell by the title, I am a worthless, piece of crap, scum of the earth and waste of the precious air we breath clicker. I have been clicking for 8 years, with literally hundreds of attempts to learn to keybind, failing miserably every time. I am at the end of my rope and don't really know what to do. Neither clicking or keybinding is working for me. I manage pretty ok in PvE, considering the lack of movement, but I am getting slammed in PvP for obvious reasons. Now here's what I don't understand - I am a full time musician and I have been my entire life, I play guitar, bass, drums and some piano. I am very, VERY good with my hands and memorization, yet I cannot, absolutely CAN NOT fathom how someone is able to keybind. It blows my mind. How can someone put their entire spellbook on their keyboard, and REMEMBER what spells are on those keys??? LET ALONE keep up with the rotations and cooldowns!?!?! HOW?!?!?! I could NEVER do that! I click so that I don't have to look at my keyboard and take my focus off the screen, and that's just for numbers 1-6 on an early level character, and you people have 25-30 keys bound? Are you kidding me? How do you handle your rotation and cooldowns? I just don't get it... I do just fine if I'm doing 1-6 in order, but if I need to use 2 and then 6 I'm lost. I have to look at the keyboard to see where my hand is and by that time I'm dead as a doorknob. Yet the standard of playing this game is that everyone has their entire spellbook bound including keys like SHIFT E and CTRL 5 and yadda yadda. It's just a lot easier seeing a spell flash, and then clicking on it =/ The only valid argument I have against keybinding is that when you use keys, your spells have to be completely cooled down. When you click, you can click a tad early and the spell with still cast once its cooled down, making it possible to line up spells and having them shoot off immediately.When I keybind, I have to press a key 14 times before the damn thing casts. Anyways... what do I do? It is rather obvious that I am simply not going to learn how to keybind. I literally cant do 1-6, I'm not going to be able to map my whole spellbook out and I've accepted that. So, any fellow clickers out there that are half decent? I refuse to believe that every good player is a keybinder. Theres gotta be someone out there who pulls decent DPS and clicks, or PvPs and clicks. If you're out there and reading this, please help. How do I improve my performance while still clicking? Thanks for reading and I appreciate the help.
I click one-off, raid cooldown and/or super rarely used abilities I keep in smaller bars above my keybound action bars. I don't particularly want to create yet another modifier key, or attempt to contort my hand just to reach bizarre binds I rarely use. It works for me, I do just fine, and I'm not involved in any situations where it adversely affects my performance relative to the content I'm involving myself in. I think if you get into a situation though where you're attempting to increase your performance, or underperforming and wondering why, then certainly keybinds and quick use of abilities can make a big difference. But, at least personally, I'm not looking to break any records in Normal mode progression.
If someone wants to openly expose that they are judgmental of how others choose to enjoy a form of entertainment, then I'm not going to stop them. It's helpful to understand who people are. |