I want flying, that's it, no argument, no anecdotes.
I just want my beautiful drakes to spread their wings other then when they are standing still and I'm spamming the space bar.
I want flying, raise your fists in support brothers & sisters and simply post if you support the notion.
If you are against it, that's fine, it's your opinion, but I'm not here to argue against you, nor will I be trying to dissuade you.
I'm here doing Blizzard what they asked me to do.
I want flying. Who else does?
I just want my beautiful drakes to spread their wings other then when they are standing still and I'm spamming the space bar.
I want flying, raise your fists in support brothers & sisters and simply post if you support the notion.
If you are against it, that's fine, it's your opinion, but I'm not here to argue against you, nor will I be trying to dissuade you.
I'm here doing Blizzard what they asked me to do.
I want flying. Who else does?