I think there's always a way to find room without abbreviations. The most I'll tend to do is use an ampersand (&) instead of "and". Things like that. But I know what you mean. It doesn't rile me up, but I have enough trouble living my own life to also try to live everyone else's for them too. XD
The thing I don't particularly like about Twitter use is when someone tweets a whole forum post at me in 10-20 individual tweets. It's bad form for the format, and really goes against the primary benefit of the limited length format. Twitter, like any form of communication, has benefits and drawbacks. Talking on a phone cuts out the all-important body language. Talking in-person is ad hoc, and largely without the ability to put enough thought/editing into conveying an idea, and is influenced by sometimes uncontrollable physical distractions or cues. Which can also be a good thing!
Twitter is quick, it's short, and it's kind of like a one-on-one conversation in a large crowd of people. It works well at getting short and quick little bits of info back and forth between people, and others can listen in or interject (or amplify it) if they want, and also be able to curate the kinds of people they want around them. It's the cocktail party of communication formats. Whereas the forums are quite like a cork board where people can type up big long letters, and post them up, people can be typing up responses to other people's posted notes while other people type theirs, and there can be these really complex and chaotic conversations going lots of different ways, but with a lot of reading and filtering you can get a good sense for a sort of temperature range of the discussion and get lots of different ideas and thoughts out of lots and lots of text. It's a really interesting format for communication, but certainly has its benefits and drawbacks as a form of communication and interaction, like... literally everything else! ...until complete peer to peer communication nears light speed with organic computing and a "human internet" which is, of course, just a step away from our consciousness merging into a being of pure light anyway. Of course.