I go back to solo old raids. I hear they're supposed to be easy. For the most part, yep. Then I get to Yogg Saron.
It's apparently super-bugged for shamans. I got caught in it.
It's been known since October.
And now, this is me:
I'm still freaking stuck in that room in ghost.
Super pissed off. If RL family and friends didn't play, I'd throw in the towel. Why in the hell is something so basic not fixed after all this time????
It's apparently super-bugged for shamans. I got caught in it.
It's been known since October.
And now, this is me:
01/14/2015 03:11 PMPosted by MeliantheStuck in the fight, finally died. Now, I'm in ghost form, stuck sitting down in the yogg saron room. Can't stand up, walk, hearth, use the "stuck" button, get a rez (party member can't see my corpse). Submit a ticket and it's 2 days.
I'm really, really hosed.
I'm still freaking stuck in that room in ghost.
Super pissed off. If RL family and friends didn't play, I'd throw in the towel. Why in the hell is something so basic not fixed after all this time????