wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     
Nikandra spełnił kryterium Loot 200,000 gold osiągnięcia Got My Mind On My Money.     
Tooly zdobył Fairweather Helm.     
Muattin zdobył osiągnięcie The Dirty Five.     
Yoozku zdobył Parrotfeather Cloak.     
Mlody89 zdobył Royal Apothecary Drape.     
Weakness zabił Dazar, The First King (Mythic King's Rest) po raz 6.     
liq spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Osiol spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Wuntu zabił Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth (Heroic Uldir) po raz 1.     
Olsa zabił Vectis (Heroic Uldir) po raz 6.     
Sarenus spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
kajtasus zdobył osiągnięcie Come Sail Away.     
ossir spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
mcpablo spełnił kryterium Alliance players slain. osiągnięcia Frontline Slayer.     
Emmm zabił Taloc (Heroic Uldir) po raz 17.     
AsaGorth spełnił kryterium Big-Mouth Clam osiągnięcia The Oceanographer.     

Blizzard, what did you do to my toon??

blizz -> wysłany:
The new models were supposed to be close in representation to the originals. Sorry, but this is not the case. Instead of the sweet, fresh faced, open eyed dwarf girl model that I almost *always* roll for my dwarves, I log in to find this.. this monstrosity.

This is NOT how I want my toon to look. This is NOT the model I would have chosen originally. This is nowhere near any kind of representation for my character at all.

This is not ok. Give us the option to tweak our toons to our liking please, for free, without having to pay extra. This is absolutely ridiculous.
blizz -> wysłany:
Sorry to hear you're not enjoying your updated character! :( As others have mentioned, we've added facial customization options to the in-game barbershop, which will allow you to change additional appearance options for an in-game gold cost.

With the old models looking as... old, as they did, there's always been some amount of interpretation that's going to happen from person to person as they fill in the quality-gaps, and add their own story and character to any of the looks. Where a squiggly blurry line might look like a scar to you, it might look like freckles to someone else. A furled brow is grease smudge, a wince is a grimace, or a smile is a pout. We went into the archives, back to the source material and textures, and spent a lot of time trying to ensure we were interpreting all those squiggles and smudges in a way that is as true to the originals as possible, while also updating them to much higher resolutions and levels of fidelity. No easy task, I assure you. We expect that some will have had different interpretations of those old blurry textures than the ones we arrived at, and that's why we brought some of the recustomization features in-game for "free" (small gold cost like other barbershop features), and with that you can hopefully find new combinations and options that do appeal to you.
blizz -> wysłany:
10/14/2014 12:36 PMPosted by Sarufix
How does this

look anything like

Who knew you could bullshot a game 10years after release. Well played, Blizz.

Well, it shouldn't, because those are completely different facial options.

Try this one: