I am excited about Warlords, but I can't understand why Orcs...like Thrall...would join forces with the Alliance to fight the Iron Horde. First, the Orcs in Azeroth and the Iron Horde are Friends and Family! Thrall he will be fighting his friend Grommash Hellscream and all the other Orcs will literally be fighting their grand dads and moms, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, dad, mom, etc...
Second, if the Iron Horde does conquer Azeroth and Draenor in a present, alternate timeline...what's the big deal??? The Orcs are the rulers and they've effectively destroyed the Alliance which is something we've been trying to do on the Horde side for the past 10 years of WoW and 20 years of Warcraft. Isn't that the point of Wintergrasp, AV, AB, WSG, TB, Isle, etc....kill the Alliance. Why on Earth would I help the Alliance stop an Orcish army when I am an Orc???
Third, Garrosh isn't leading them, it is Grom, Kilrog, and the other Warlords. Yeah Garrosh is advising, but he is not the Warchief.
I just don't understand the motive for Orcs to fight literally their own flesh and blood. If I was in WoW with my Orc lock I would not fight against the Iron Horde. Screw that, they're Family and apparently my Family is winning.
Second, if the Iron Horde does conquer Azeroth and Draenor in a present, alternate timeline...what's the big deal??? The Orcs are the rulers and they've effectively destroyed the Alliance which is something we've been trying to do on the Horde side for the past 10 years of WoW and 20 years of Warcraft. Isn't that the point of Wintergrasp, AV, AB, WSG, TB, Isle, etc....kill the Alliance. Why on Earth would I help the Alliance stop an Orcish army when I am an Orc???
Third, Garrosh isn't leading them, it is Grom, Kilrog, and the other Warlords. Yeah Garrosh is advising, but he is not the Warchief.
I just don't understand the motive for Orcs to fight literally their own flesh and blood. If I was in WoW with my Orc lock I would not fight against the Iron Horde. Screw that, they're Family and apparently my Family is winning.