-Black Temple and Frostwolf keep no longer hub cities, just quest locations you visit once.
-New faction cities are copy pastes of the 4.1 krasarang wilds faction bases in ashran, an island in nowhere
-Garrisons only in one zone now, no longer customization, no longer lets you name npcs, no longer has skill boosts, is just a daily quest hub phased to you.
-average class goes from 40 spells to 7
-no new skeletons or animations, literally every creature in the expansion is a remodelled creature.
-portions of entire zones are copy pasted from the BC devset
-the rest are not flying compatible and have 2d jpg mountains -now you know why shamans had far sight and hunters had eagle vision removed.
-now only 4 dungeons from level 90-100
-client code for garrison cash shop functionality discovered, quickly removed along with tweet mentioning it from cory stockton
-less raid content at launch than any expansion
-less dungeons than cataclysm had in PATCHES
-no flying
-story is a barely canon side timeline alternate dimension just to give another enemy to fight while trying to lure in veterans with nostalgia and a 'veterans first!" beta access program
-almost all CC removed in pvp. totally removed in pve
-adding healing and tanking npcs in quests
-Heirloom and tabard storage tab just cut until "later"
-replacing quests with "dynamic, interactive world experiences" that appear once and when you do them disappear leaving huge swathes of zones empty.
-new models have a single face and the cosmetic choices in almost every model but undead simply adds a new texture to said single face.
-homogenized healing to the point that its all just different colours now
-guild levleing removed
-talents auto fill per spec to avoid confusion.
-80% of announcements from blizzcon for the expansion are confirmed cut or extremely truncated in some way.
i was really looking forward to it when i saw the announcement at blizzcon... with all the changes, content removed, and the mass purging of abilities to the point where the game is slowly turning into diablo 3 with six spells to use. i'm all for removing bloat but from seeing the changes its gotten to the point where stuff seems to have gotten removed because they could. i mean really, far sight? it didn't even need a keybind. it was a fun ability to do when running around exploring every now and then. it help create immersion with the class. even earthquake was removed. the most asked ability by shaman.
i've been playing wow for an extremely long time. long enough to see every expansion release. every release there was always complaints but this time its different. i can easily say this expansion has been the first where i've seen so many complaints about a whole bunch of stuff. virtually everything. more people than ever before.
-New faction cities are copy pastes of the 4.1 krasarang wilds faction bases in ashran, an island in nowhere
-Garrisons only in one zone now, no longer customization, no longer lets you name npcs, no longer has skill boosts, is just a daily quest hub phased to you.
-average class goes from 40 spells to 7
-no new skeletons or animations, literally every creature in the expansion is a remodelled creature.
-portions of entire zones are copy pasted from the BC devset
-the rest are not flying compatible and have 2d jpg mountains -now you know why shamans had far sight and hunters had eagle vision removed.
-now only 4 dungeons from level 90-100
-client code for garrison cash shop functionality discovered, quickly removed along with tweet mentioning it from cory stockton
-less raid content at launch than any expansion
-less dungeons than cataclysm had in PATCHES
-no flying
-story is a barely canon side timeline alternate dimension just to give another enemy to fight while trying to lure in veterans with nostalgia and a 'veterans first!" beta access program
-almost all CC removed in pvp. totally removed in pve
-adding healing and tanking npcs in quests
-Heirloom and tabard storage tab just cut until "later"
-replacing quests with "dynamic, interactive world experiences" that appear once and when you do them disappear leaving huge swathes of zones empty.
-new models have a single face and the cosmetic choices in almost every model but undead simply adds a new texture to said single face.
-homogenized healing to the point that its all just different colours now
-guild levleing removed
-talents auto fill per spec to avoid confusion.
-80% of announcements from blizzcon for the expansion are confirmed cut or extremely truncated in some way.
i was really looking forward to it when i saw the announcement at blizzcon... with all the changes, content removed, and the mass purging of abilities to the point where the game is slowly turning into diablo 3 with six spells to use. i'm all for removing bloat but from seeing the changes its gotten to the point where stuff seems to have gotten removed because they could. i mean really, far sight? it didn't even need a keybind. it was a fun ability to do when running around exploring every now and then. it help create immersion with the class. even earthquake was removed. the most asked ability by shaman.
i've been playing wow for an extremely long time. long enough to see every expansion release. every release there was always complaints but this time its different. i can easily say this expansion has been the first where i've seen so many complaints about a whole bunch of stuff. virtually everything. more people than ever before.