04/25/2014 10:06 AMPosted by
Riinaa Please fix ganking!
This has gotten so freaking out of control now, the game is nearly unplayable. This cannot continue and needs to be addressed in WoD. You really need to think about your customers and reevaluate what their game play experience means to you. I can't stand it anymore! I have been flying around the world for the past hour and I can't find anyone to gank.
What the heck blizzard.
Please fix.
Thanks for your post, Riinaa. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems finding people to gank, and it's a problem we're already keenly aware of. A few changes coming in Warlords are going to help you out, we hope. First, a new expansion means lots of new people leveling, and without flying mounts you'll finally be able to approach people face-to-face instead of having to drop on them from above. No more feeling forced to gank people unceremoniously by swooping down on lower-level players from a vantage they themselves don't have access to. Second, we have some changes to how PvP gear will be acquired and function (more info coming soon to a WorldofWarcraft.com front page near you), which will help ensure that, regardless of whose day you're trying to ruin, they'll have tools to help it be a fairer fight. We know that those who like to gank are, in essence, making a cry for help, wanting us to force them into fairer fights. We hear you loud and clear. Lastly, the new PvP zone Ashran will offer you the ability to fight alongside other players to achieve common goals in an outdoor setting. Gone will be the days of you only being able to successfully kill other players if they're busy fighting mobs and under 40% health.
We're pretty excited! Hope you are too. :)