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Unfair A/H ratio - World PVP - Idea

blizz -> wysłany:
So, we all know that atm there are quite some servers where there is an unfair alliance/horde ratio. It is not fun for either of the sides. For the person on the crowded faction it is boring because everytime you try to 1vs1 someone, 5 other people of your faction join in to help you. And well for the people on the other side it is obviously not fun to get ganged everytime. It really makes the game less fun, because there are less things that you can do. For instance the Celestials at the Timeless Isle, it is REALLY hard to find a group on a server where the opposite faction is bigger. And if you finally found a group, that other faction may try to make you fail. There are addons like OQ which fix this, but there are many other problems; and I think it is kinda stupid that you are forced to get this addon to be able to enjoy some of blizzard's content.

On a server there is a certain amount of space for people that can log on, after which there will be a queue for other people to log into the server. How about instead of seeing it as just a certain amount of players: see it as a certain amount of alliance-players and a certain amount of horde-players. So on Outland for example, where there are alot more Alliance than Horde: If the alliance-amount get reached, they get into the queue, while horde players can still log into the server.
So 50% of the serverspace would be for Alliance and 50% of the serverspace would be for Horde. Or well it doesn't need to be 50-50, but like 60-40 would also make a big difference.
And those people in the queue get the option to get a free faction change.

On the less populated realms it wouldn't really make a big difference, but on the popular realms such as Stormscale or Outland it could just give that little push for people to change factions. And there will only be much more & longer queue's on alot servers with WoD.

I don't know if anyone has posted an idea like this already, if so I'm sorry. Feel free to post your own criticism or own addjustments to the idea, or anything you would like to post :)
blizz -> wysłany:
17/03/2014 19:05Posted by Niekozz
For instance the Celestials at the Timeless Isle, it is REALLY hard to find a group on a server where the opposite faction is bigger. And if you finally found a group, that other faction may try to make you fail.

Hi there Niekozz,
This shouldn't be an issue anymore; we've recently applied a hotfix which makes world bosses in Mists of Pandaria no longer be tap-to-faction.
Players from both factions that engage the world boss at the same time are now eligible for loot.