16 Sha of Pride, 13 Galakras, and 9 Dark Shaman kills..

blizz -> wysłany:
And still no weapon! With bonus rolls used on 90% of the kills as well... this is just silly! WHAT DID I DO BLIZZARD!? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?... I am sorry for the trolling of my past... I try really really hard not to troll people now... Even the idiots shouting absurdities and standing in puddles of bad in LFR... Well I mean I try not too anyways! BUT COME ON!? I have been killing this !@#$ for over 3 months now.. What do I have to do to get a weapon? Thats over a fourth of the year in this raid... people are getting bored and I am worried I won't get one till next expansion. :(
blizz -> wysłany:
We could forgive you, but first tell me... from the 235,881 creatures you have killed, how many were murlocs?

Hint: There is only one correct answer.