As previously announced, we’ve been working toward connecting realms to increase the number of players on low-population realms, and since then have completed several connections. As a part of our ongoing communication, we wanted to provide you with an update that contains a list of completed realm connections, currently planned connections, and any additional future plans in one convenient location.
*Please note this list does not encompass all potential future connections. Please check back for further updates.
Completed Connections
- Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Gurubashi, and Hakkar
- Agamaggan, Jaedenar, The Underbog
- Aggramar and Fizzcrank
- Akama and Dragonmaw
- Altar of Storms, Anetheron, Magtheridon, and Ysondre
- Andorhal and Scilla/Ursin
- Antonidas and Uldum
- Anub’arak, Chromaggus, Chrushridge, Garithos, Nathrezim, and Smolderthorn
- Arygos and Llane
- Auchindoun and Laughing Skull
- Azgalor, Azshara, and Destromath
- Balnazzar, Gorgonash, The Forgotten Coast, and Warsong
- Black Dragonflight, Gul'dan, and Skullcrusher
- Blackhand and Galakrond
- Blackwing Lair, Dethecus, Detheroc, Lethon, and Haomarush
- Bladefist and Kul Tiras
- Blade's Edge and Thunderhorn
- Blood Furnace, Mannaroth, and Nazjatar
- Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, and Stonemaul
- Bronzebeard and Shandris
- Burning Blade, Lightning's Blade, and Onyxia
- Cairne and Perenolde
- Coilfang, Dark Iron, Dalvengyr, and Demon Soul
- Darrowmere and Windrunner
- Dentarg and Whisperwind
- Draenor and Echo Isles
- Draka and Suramar
- Drak’Tharon, Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare, Spirestone, and Stormscale
- Eonar and Velen
- Executus and Kalecgos
- Fenris and Dragonblight
- Frostmane, Ner'zhul, andTortheldrin
- Hellscream and Zangarmarsh
- Icecrown and Malygos
- Kargath and Norgannon
- Kilrogg and Winterhoof
- Misha and Rexxar
- Nazgrel and Nesingwary/Vek'nilash
- Nordrassil and Muradin
- Quel'dorei and Sen'jin
- Uldaman and Ravencrest
Future Connections
We will be connecting the realms listed below on Thursday, January 30th during a scheduled maintenance beginning at 5 a.m. PST through approximately 1:00 p.m. PST. Once maintenance is finished, these realm connections will be complete.
- Alleria and Khadgar
- Anvilmar and Undermine
- Archimonde and Agamaggan/Jaedenar
- Cho'gall and Auchindoun/Laughing Skull
- Eitrigg and Shu'halo
- Mok'Nathal and Silvermoon
We will be connecting the realms listed below on Thursday, February 6th during a scheduled maintenance beginning at 5 a.m. PST through approximately 1:00 p.m. PST. Once maintenance is finished, these realm connections will be complete.
- Hydraxis and Terenas
- Kirin Tor and Steamwheedle Cartel
- Shattered Halls and Executus/ Kalecgos
- Thunderlord and Azgalor/Azshara/Destromath
- Uther and Runetotem
We do not have a date for the following realm connections, but will update this post when we do.
- Alterac Mountains and Balnazzar/Gorgonash/The Forgotten Coast/ Warsong
- Azjol-Nerub and Khaz Modan
- Eldre’Thalas and Korialstrasz
- Farstriders and Silverhand
- Spinebreaker and Wildhammer
*Plans for these connections may change at any time, but we’ll provide additional updates on specific dates for future connections here as we can. Please note that as a part of the connection process realm times may change to match each other.
For more information on Connected Realms, please read the preview blog post here.
Q. My realm needs connecting, why isn’t it listed?A. The connections listed are the phases we’ve currently finalized and have planned connection dates or estimates available for. Additional connections are possible, but they just haven’t reached that stage yet. We’ll be updating the realm connection list as phases complete and new phases are planned.
Q. When will my realm be connected?
A. We'll update this thread with the latest information on currently planned phases.
Q. My realm has a lower population than those on the list, why isn’t mine being connected first?
A. Realm connections are based on a number of factors including population, faction balance, the realm’s physical location in the world compared to other realms it may be connected to, among others. It’s also worth noting that websites which attempt to track population, while helpful in many ways, are estimates based on public data which may not provide the clearest picture of actual population.