It's no wonder there are people having trouble playing the game. Whether it's on the forums or in game. Me, or someone else will, ask a simple question for our new toon on its rotation and get mocked, accused of trolling, or getting called names. This is just pathetic.
-It's called Google
-Not sure if serious
-obvious troll is obvious
-roll a different class
-gives obvious wrong answer
And the messed up part is, is that people take more effort to make fun of someone, mock and degrade someone than to answer the question or help them out. It's sickening.
I know not everyone is like this, but all you that goes out of their way to help others or treat everyone as a human frickin being respect to you.
After years of playing World of Warcraft, it can seem inconceivable that someone else might not know the answers to questions that we might think are basic. They might not know about the great resources that have become wellsprings of knowledge for experienced players, or the best ways to use them. Have you ever tried doing an internet search about a relatively obscure topic that you know nothing or very little about? Which resources are legitimate? Which ones do you trust? Is the information current? Sometimes it's easy and straightforward... but sometimes, it isn't. You can even point to a useful resource if you don't know the answer. Taking a few moments to help another player by answering their question is not only a relatively painless way to be kind, but can net you a new friend too. Helping will feel a lot better in the long run than sneering does in the moment. In games, as in life, as we go about our day it's easy to underestimate the impact that we can have on other people. And those names that appear in General chat are indeed other people. A little good feeling can go a long, long way. |