One of the many things I like about World of Warcraft is that, with a little effort, it's possible to make connections with some pretty amazing people that you might have otherwise never met anyplace else. Personally, I made most of my in-game friends while lending a little help to a stranger. Some of those interactions were pleasant diversions that lasted for just a moment, the length of a quest, or a few hours. Others have lead to friendships that I still have.
When was the last time you reached out and made a friend in World of Warcraft? What were you doing? Was it a single serving friend or a more lasting relationship?
Back when I actually played my hunter, I used to help out other hunters. A lot of them ended up going to some of the more hardcore guilds on my server because of me.
Yes! This was many moons ago, but I ended up talking with a low level Rogue who was a bit frustrated with the class, so I gave him some pointers and directed him to some useful resources. He went on to become the raid leader of a realm first guild on that realm. It was incredibly rewarding seeing him come up, share his experiences with me, etc.
Sometimes just answering a question that was posed in a public channel can yield a memorable interaction.
But like Monalissa I'm kinda alone in this game still. I either play with randoms or my little brother. I guess I become too defensive when people start to want to become friends. I guess I'm just afraid of disappointing people that I may not be that nice all the time. Oh snap, this post quickly became psychological testimonial.
Not to dig too deep, but World of Warcraft isn't a bad place to stretch your wings a bit.
Oh snap. I mixed those metaphors like a blender on liquify.
This subject is allittle sensitive for me, but the story does have some good parts to it as to how I met an awesome friend.
Her name in short was Bela, and she was a wonderful shaman healer. At first she was not confident in her abilities and usually would get into fights with people because she would try her hardest to heal raids as best she could, but she kept doing little things wrong that would get her removed from groups often.
I caught onto this trend and finally sat down with her, knowing she knew nothing about me or who i even was. She got so tempermental believing that I was another jerk trying to tell her she sucks. On the contrary, she was very good at what she does, but her gems, enchants, forges were all wrong for her. I did the research and did my best to get her to trust me on this. I told her "if I am wrong, then I will help you farm Alar every week until you get it." she hesitated, but went into a raid with me. she found her heals were bigger, mana was more effiecent, and groups fell inlove with her and invited her more.
Over the course of a few years we had become best friends and even fell for one another. Sadly between her and I, we decided it was not a good idea to be together. She was born with a disfunction in her brain that caused her to have seizures and she didn't want anyone to put up with that. Sadly, September of this year, she had passed away from a major that made her go brain dead and her parents had to let her go. Everyday I go to the spot I met her and take a moment to pay my respects when I am in game. The best memory I have of her is seeing how truly happy she was when she was finally able to raid without hassle and enjoy the game as much as I have. I miss her, and spread that same help to others I come across in her memory. She was a awesome friend and touched my heart. Her only wish was for me to continue to make friends and be who I am, thats a wish I intend to grant.
I came back to read the posts that I'd missed, and I got a little misty reading this post.
This was truly touching Curemaster, and while I know that revisiting memories like this can be painful, I'm grateful that you shared this with us.
I'm happy that you had a chance to know her, though, and I imagine that your presence in her life was a bright spot as well.