You can now browse and purchase a bevy of mounts and pets* from directly within World of Warcraft through our newly added Shop interface. Just click the Shop icon on the menu bar once you’ve logged in to a character, and you’ll be able to pick out a new friend to add to your collection and start your adventures together right away. By combining the best of cutting-edge goblin and gnomish technology, we’ve also made it possible for you to receive your new pal right in your inventory (or via mail if your inventory is full).
We want to make sure these cuddly creatures and loyal mounts find a good home, so for a limited time, you’ll be able to purchase select pets and mounts friend for 50%** off the regular price either through the new in-game interface or via the web-based Shop. Read more details about the sale here.
Here are the available mounts and pets for purchase within the in-game Blizzard Shop: *Wyvern and Gryphon plushies, Guardian Cubpet and Moonkin Hatchling pet are not available for purchase within the Blizzard Shop. **The Enchanted Fey Dragon mount, Alterac Brew Pup pet, and Blossoming Ancient pet are not available at a discounted price. In addition, Charity Bundle pricing is not available within the in-game Blizzard Shop. |