Does anyone do this? Like in a 25m where it's literally impossible to keybind heals and leave you with clicking.
Blizzard is getting rid of secondary stats and reforging, along with the gemming and chanting that we're used to, all in the name of simplification "because it's not fun".
What's fun about having to download addons so that you can heal effectively? What simplistic about that. I'd rather not use an addon for healing but seriously don't see how I'd be able to do it.
I could do without dbm or another awareness type addon. But not sure how to go about healing a 25 without one.
If you do heal without addons (effectively) how do you do it?
I'M ALSO POSTING HERE. I use a variety of UI mods, but I find (caveat I'm a healy priest) the default unit/raid frames work quite well for me. They weren't always that way of course. I used custom raid frames for quite a while, but the default ones these days have (IMO) all the information I need to heal/dispel effectively. I do use some Weak Auras for buff tracking, but aside from that I heal using default.
I don't find that group size affects my ability to heal aside from the obvious difference that more people means more health pools to watch. |
Nope, no dispel assistance... even back in the old Ulduar days. *shudders* |
Not a wizard, just fast talons. I try to stick with the stock WoW UI as much as I can; a holdover from when I was a Game Master (a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away). Patch day, horde of incoming tickets on UIs that stopped working/started lagging. >__> |