I am not having fun in playing arena anymore, at all. Here's a couple reasons why:
-Horrible queue times. I am sitting 10 minutes in que to cap one of my characters. It actually takes me several HOURS to cap when it took 40min last patch. It's actually so frustrating to sit in que for SO long to even cap. And I am not even high mmr, I am playing 2dps so the games go quickly even.
-Class balance is the worst ever. Today I met Enha/Warrior, which we outplayed them from 100-0. Warrior was CC'd, Enha was CC'd, warrior died. Enha was DR'd on all of our CC. He decided that he pops CD's, takes 70% off my hp in a global, I block. He waits the block and Stormblasts me to death. THAT IS ACTUALLY SO AMAZINGLY UNREAL HOW IT'S NOT NERFED YET. He pressed total of 3 buttons that game. Did he actually play better than me to deserve that win?
Same thing in 3s. I have NOT met a comp that DOESN'T have a warrior in TWO WEEKS now. Don't tell me it's RNG, it's just that the class is so disgustingly godmode, everyone has rerolled into a warrior. Their damage, lockdown capability and uptime is the BEST that no comp has EVER had that; now it's in one SPEC. I know my own class is at good/decent stand right now, it's not that I can not succeed. It is just purely BORING, UNFUN, DEMOTIVATING and FRUSTRATING to even consider queuing arenas. I am extremely unsatisfied with the current game that I have never felt this bored in this game. And day after day I wait for the patchnotes to fix class balance issues that are destroying are right now, but they are gone. Every day my skypechats and realid gets spammed how disgusting this game is, how horrible this season is, how bad this game has gone and I just can't take it anymore. And all that is coming from multi-r1 level players who do not like the game at all right now.
My sub is running out in few weeks, if after that there's not a hint of class balance being addressed, I am gone for good. CM's, you can (should) freely pass this to the developers, this is how the community feels. I have given up on giving constructive critisism, as it has really no effect on anyone. There even was an AMA made by former Blizzard Employee and the it was pretty much summarized as "Developers don't care what Q/A, GM's or CS's say, even less what players have to say".
/rant over - I sadly can't be bothered to express my thoughts anymore, it's not worth the time.
And because forum moderators have the power to say developers point of view about what is constructive and what is not, I will add the constructive part to this thread now:
- Melee has WAY too much castercontrol in this game. The fact that melee has so many ways to stop caster from casting is forcing casters to only use instant dmg and cc is absurd. How did it ever get this far? Lets take a look at one of the most popular comps: Rshaman KFC. You have to fake the following to get a cast off:
Pummel, Disrupting Shout, Windshear and Counter Shot/Silencing Shot.
On top of that, they have the ways to interrupt casts with:
Chargestun, Stormbolt, Shockwave, Grounding Totem, Spell Reflect, Mass Spell Reflect.
All while you're affected by -25% haste because of the Hunter's pet passive ability.
Everything above has a really short cooldown, most of them less than 30sec. It is in theory IMPOSSIBLE to get a cast off. Warrior itself has 7 ways to stop a cast in 45sec window. Add on top of that anticaster healer Shaman's ways to stop a cast and then hunter aswell, and you can fake 2-5 different abilities and it still wont matter as he will 99,9% certain stop the cast again. Then on top of that, it is actually impossible to get most melees off yourself. Rogue is the only class I can kite myself away from, everything else has 100% uptime on me, because of the short-cd movement impairing removing tools they have.
What I wrote above is the ROOT of all what is wrong in arena right now. That is what causes casters to stop casting and spam instants. That is what causes PvP to be balanced in that way that instants and RNG 1shot mechanics have to prevail. That is what causes skill to be less relevant and dump keybinds 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 and win -playstyle be the most dominant. That is what causes something that was considered skill to be irrelevant: Fakecasting and juking metagame, kiting metagame and position metagame (melee can run to casters behind pillars and deal unhealable dmg while casters cant go behind pillars to chase melee because melee will annihilate the caster behind the pillar)
On top of what I wrote above is the differences changed between caster and melee. It makes perfect sense in my head that casters, who doesn't have autoattack capabilities should deal big numbers when getting casts off, while melee deals smaller damage with their abilities because they have white attacks to compensate. What has gone through the developement teams head when melee can 2x-3x the casters biggest numbers? Why is every melee except two (warrior and rogue) able to deal that massive damage from range?
All in all what I am trying to say is that: Fix this game, it's not that hard. It's not rocket science. I can do it for you (without touching PvE), why the guys that have massive payroll and education and the possibility, just can not do it?
And just a tip, when you decide to finally stop milking money from this game and stop completely making new raids and patches, it's the PvP that will keep the money coming, not the PvE and leveling. PvE players will be long gone when that happens. Are you certain you want to take a dump on PvP playerbases face?
Aight, rant over (p2), the question is still in place. I ain't having fun no more - are you having fun playing PvP now?