As a part of our ongoing Connected Realms implementation, we will be working toward connecting our next pair of realms, Black Dragonflight and Skullcrusher – we’ll provide another update once we’ve finalized the date. We will also update this thread with any additional information that becomes available. Please be aware that as a part of the process, realm times may change to align better with each other.
We are currently evaluating additional realm connections and plan to provide a more complete schedule at a future point in time. For more information on Connected Realms, please read the preview blog post here. |
I know a lot of you are looking forward to having your realm connected (or even just knowing when and who you'll be connected to), but keep in mind that these initial connections are to test the various steps and results of what is a very involved and complicated process. We need to make these initial connections, nail down the processes, find and resolve any issues we run into, etc. before finalizing next steps as the results of the tests will have a direct impact on how and when we make all future connections. The realms connected thus far were chosen specifically to help identify potential issues, and not necessarily because they would benefit the most from a connection.