like if they're popular or if the blues think it's a good one.
and do the developers themselves actually read the forums posts and suggestions?
and what is the job of a games developer just out of interest. (i wanted to be one a few years ago). as in, do they just sit round a table or at their desk with a notepad writing or drawing ideas?
i know ghostcrawler claims to read the forums a lot, so hopefully good threads get taken into account by the devs. I just want to confirm this :-) Ghostcrawler, and also other developers , read the forums quite a bit. Good threads are being brought to their attention all the time, and they do get taking into account. |
do any developers read the EU forums? (all development roles/jobs are stationed in irvine, California, America) They do indeed read the EU forums as well as well as the US forums: We support World of Warcraft in quite a few languages world wide though, and naturally the developers have a harder time reading some of our forums due to language barriers. So for some forums they rely a lot on forum feedback sent to them by the Community Teams in the different regions. |