............any class that doesnt wear plate or is a hunter. Most mobs that arent little birds or turtles will hit you with a special atk for 100k or more. And the elites that have over 5000k health, fogittaboutit, unless you are a pally, hunter, or feral druid maybe. Certain mobs that my pally can solo with ease like the elite snakes, cats, or cranes, just cant take on solo as a cloth wearer. Sorry, I think TI is a cool place, just not very forgiving for a non-plate classes. My 2 cents.
All of the elites telegraph their attacks, meaning they have cast bars (hit V to turn on nameplates) on directed attacks or literal effects that show where their attack will land. Moving and keeping out of those things (use them Void Tendrils!) makes every elite (on the ground-level at least) definitely soloable as it's about knowing when to move out of an attack more than your health or damage. If you're doing it right you really shouldn't take any damage from them. As you go higher up the hill you'll maybe want to join a group.