Ok.....as we are all well aware yesterday the conquest vendors were removed.....this is due to the fact many people had a cap of 28k. Well the vendors were up for many hours before they took them out and many people abused this mistake on blizzards part!
There is now people walking around in full grievous gear and a good majority that have 8+ pieces. they have stated that the conquest for those who abused it will be reset back to 2200 for the week but never mentioned anything about taking away the gear from people who abused this error!
Already PVP heals are broken in the fact that 2 burst dps can't kill a healer in a 2's comp without just the right timing on everything but then to add insult to injury it healers with 600k+ hp in arenas due to the fact they are using gear they should not even have!
I play this game for PVP and I think blizzard should reset the season from scratch...any player who did not abuse the system will agree that this is the only way to fix this problem as many people will lie saying they have 4 pieces+ before this glitch due to world bosses and buying 1 piece!
This is pure bull**** on blizzard behalf and if this had been a PVE glitch it would of been hot-fixed and reset asap.....im sorry but if this is not fixed by the end of the week im canceling my sub!
We posted about this issue yesterday: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9972358604
The Conquest vendors were despawned within an hour of the realms being up, as far as I'm aware gear purchases aren't an issue. |