In 5.1 and before you needed to fill up your points to 1800 first with arena & random bgs and then afterwards get 1 win in an RBG to fill up to 2200 points.
If you did 1 RBG first, got 400 pts and did arena afterwards you could only cap up to 1800 and had to get another RBG win.
So is this still like that with 5.2? Because it seems you don't have to cap arena pts first in order to get higher than the 1800 cap via Isle of Thunder PvP dailies. ( http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6893981034 )
This will be fixed for patch 5.4.
The order in which you play Arenas or RBGs won't matter anymore. |
Shhhhh... I'm trying to avoid Vaneras' banhammer! |