Hello everyone! Since WOTLK came out, I think World of Warcraft only become more and more boring, it's too easy to get gear, it's too easy to lvling.
I'm a guy who played a lot of WoW a few years ago, but after WOTLK came out so it has only gotten worse as me and my friends ...
We've talked for years "Why can not blizzard open up TBC servers again, so you can play again and have fun as you had before!
I think many others will agree with me when they think the game starts to go extended, story and all that is fine, but getting gear and lvling at high and low levels is not even funny achieve more, it's all too easy! And that is because there are people who complain that it is easier because it takes too long to lvling their alts ... I think Blizzard would center on opening up any other expansion servers ..
Previously, we learned how to make friends in order to do things, like fix keys to instances and attunes with friends / guild and what so ever. They learned to make friends in order to run instances Easier too!
Now everything is ruined, now Their is no "real" talent tree like it was on the old good time ..
I could write up a lot more that I think is bad now, and why I think you can fix some old servers for all expansion .. What have you to lose on this anyway? The only thing you can do is ern new and old players who played long ago.