Below is a table, it has which class, if they're range or melee (shaman and druid have one of each), the % of distribution for normal kills, % of distribution for heroic kills, and the % change between the two. Meaning, I took the sum of all kills by spec, rolled it into melee or range by class, and see if the same distribution carried over from normal to heroic.
As you would expect, the % increase from normal to heroic is absolutely dominated by range. The only melee that actually had a higher representative distribution in heroic were rogues. And conversely, hunter was the only range that dropped (which everyone knows they are in need of some buffs).
Class Range/Melee % Normal Distribution % Heroic Distribution % Change from Normal to Heroic
Druid Range 5.14% 8.80% 171.29%
Rogue Melee 9.16% 11.54% 125.92%
Priest Range 8.45% 9.13% 108.00%
Mage Range 13.89% 14.33% 103.19%
Warlock Range 15.66% 16.05% 102.47%
Shaman Range 8.64% 8.68% 100.35%
DK Melee 5.91% 5.83% 98.61%
Shaman Melee 3.33% 2.97% 89.17%
Warrior Melee 5.46% 4.67% 85.43%
Hunter Range 14.94% 12.48% 83.52%
Druid Melee 1.86% 1.34% 71.76%
Paladin Melee 4.79% 2.81% 58.77%
Monk Melee 2.76% 1.38% 50.15%
Class Range/Melee % Normal Distribution % Heroic Distribution % Change from Normal to Heroic
Druid Range 5.28% 8.55% 161.83%
Shaman Range 5.96% 8.43% 141.28%
Mage Range 12.87% 16.78% 130.32%
Warlock Range 14.26% 15.59% 109.29%
Priest Range 8.22% 8.87% 107.96%
Rogue Melee 10.39% 11.21% 107.82%
Hunter Range 11.48% 12.12% 105.61%
Shaman Melee 3.36% 2.89% 85.87%
DK Melee 7.20% 5.66% 78.70%
Warrior Melee 7.98% 4.53% 56.84%
Druid Melee 2.68% 1.30% 48.45%
Paladin Melee 6.10% 2.73% 44.77%
Monk Melee 4.21% 1.34% 31.94%
My question is: Blizzard, with the obvious inequality of melee in heroic encounters (based on pure statistics and not subjectively), what is being done to fix this? So far all I've seen has been nerfs across the board for almost all melee, especially melee hybrids (the specs at the bottom of the list). The PTR cycle seems entirely counter intuitive to what actually needs to happen.
EDIT - Faderoll created a thread that lists each boss for melee/range friendliness in SoO