blizz,you really need to do something about all the bad erping and vulgar things happening in wrymrest accord's goldshire inn,its a bad place and it should not be seen by the younger playerbase As with any behavior that you may find in game, Attackcrash, it should be reported through the right click report feature if you believe it to be against our policies. For inappropriate language/subject matter, including custom emotes right click on the chat and select Report For: Language. As I have said before, we understand it can sometimes seem to be a daunting task, especially with the level of apathy that abound for certain behaviors, but when reported consistently and by multiple people it can help to greatly improve the overall atmosphere on a realm. Continually posting on this subject will not have the desired effect, reporting inappropriate chat/emotes will. It is also not productive to single out any particular realm either. An extremely small number of players engages in this type of behavior be it seriously or because they are trolling since they know how much it bothers others. Focus on the behavior and reporting it in the appropriate manner, not what realm the behavior may be taking place. ~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~ How's my driving? Click me. |