I dont get the current BG matchups right now.
I am on Steamwheedle Cartel, a roleplay server. As alliance, in random BGs we seem to always get steamrolled by Tichondrius, a well known very good group of horde pvp players.
Who sets these battlegroups up?
Does Blizzard even examine the stats and make changes? Do they care?
Random battlegrounds are made up of all realms. Hardcore PvPers do tend to congregate on a few realms, and because that's their focus in the game you're probably more likely to see people from those PvP realms while PvPing.
People on PvP realms also tend to group up on a single faction. It's quite likely you'll see far more players of a particular faction of a particular PvP realm than the other. I think there's also a possibility of some confirmation bias going on here, where you're looking for people of that realm to confirm that everyone you face is from there, and seemingly people who are on your team never are. Not a conscious effort on your part of course, the human brain loves to deceive itself so it can feel smarter. |