Well, as most of us know by now, the Vale will be severely altered by Sha corruption in the coming patch. Now, the rep might be attainable by other means, but the Golden Lotus quests will be made a Feat of Strength.
This most likely means that players who have not yet done the Golden Lotus series never will. This I find to be a shame! I recently rejoined WoW and have been eager to see the Pandaria content, however there was never any rush (or so I thought). So this means that I (and a lot of players like me) might never get to experience the pristine Vale and its story.
I understand that Blizzard needs to move the story onward, and I support the world changing as we interact with it - but I don't agree with the removal of story content. Imagine new players opening the gates to see the corrupted vale? That doesn't seem very lore-appropriate.
So perhaps let the vale phase with your quest progression? Have it be ugly and corrupted once you finish the related quests and story first - think Theramore. Or perhaps, like Theramore again, give us a Bronze Dragon so we can switch phases into the past until we complete the story - much like Theramore, and to my knowledge, the Pandaria Starter Zone.
There was another thread like this, so I'll link it here: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7646865395?page=1
Hopefully we'll find a way to work with some phasing. It would be a terrible shame if a lot of new players never get to experience the pristine Vale and the associated lore.