When i first read about the new heroic scenarios i was pretty excited. Not only because i saw a little niche for individual skill (an overused word, i know) in small group content but also because there is a chance to get some nice items.
After doing a lot of heroic scenarios with different characters since 5.3 got live i must say that i'm a little dissapointed if not frustrated.
I really like the heroic scenarios, they are fun, even challenging to an extent (which depends greatly on your class), but i really feel fooled by the heroic treasure chests. i looted about twenty of those by now and every single time there was gold in it, except for the quest reward ones. And, judging by the reactions of others in chat, it's not just me who's "unlucky". This is especially annoying if you take the description of the chest into account. It says something like "glorious reward". Bogus! 27g isn't glorious.
I'm well aware that there's only a chance and no guaranty to get an item out of the chest and i totally agree that these items are a bonus and shouldn't be the major source of equipment but as it is now, the reward for normal scenarios is better than the reward for heroic ones and that's just meh.
HI Vishni,
Extreme bad luck with RNG can make things feel less rewarding, especially if players are used to 5man heroics always dropping some loot, so even if they don’t get loot, at least they see it dropping, which gives them a feeling of accomplishment (seeing what dropped instead of "if it dropped"), I understand that only seeing some gold at the end of a run can feel a bit… “meh!” Having said that, there are measures we can take to at least provide a bit of protection against extreme streaks of bad luck if we think that they are necessary. We’ll keep an eye on this, it’s useful for us to know that some players are finding heroic scenarios interesting and challenging but not rewarding, and we’ll let devs know about it. Thanks for the feedback! |
Remember that you only get theThis has actually been changed today and the hotfix should already be live. You should be able to get both of these rewards now, as long as you complete one heroic and at least one normal scenario once per day. You shouldn't have to worry about doing a heroic scenario before you do a normal one, the order doesn't matter anymore. |
I’m not sure if you’re asking if bad luck streak protection carries on to scenarios, but just to make it clear, I didn't say we had it activated for scenarios, I said that if we see that it's necessary in the future, we can do it, the functionality exists. As far as I know, at the moment we only have protection against streaks of bad luck on bonus rolls, quest drops, and Battle-Stones from pet supplies bags and wild battles. We also have a system based on the same concept for protecting players from streaks of bad luck on procs of certain RPPM trinkets from ToT. |