Wich zones can we skip and wich ones are a must to complete?
I just hit 86 and I'm nowhere near to finish Jade Forest, should I go straight to Valley of the Four Winds/Krasarang Wilds since they are 86-87 zones or finish every single quest in Jade Forest first?
As far as I can tell the only zone I have to do from start to finish is Kun-Lai so they open the Vale of Ethernal Blossoms for you (I think).
This is a bank/gatherer alt so I'm not really concerned about reputations, I just want to level up as fast as I can.
That's what I'm going to do. Mainly I want to try to get through a lot of Dread Wastes as the quest rewards there will help bump up my ilvl so I can ideally do fewer Heroics and then jump straight into LFR. Depending on other content though maybe that won't even matter? I have 2 90's already so I'm just going to leapfrog zones as necessary and try to begin Dread Wastes asap. |