I'm not sure. Do you feel like that was the best way to get Valor? It may be the slowest. Good for filling small gaps though. Get a few friends together, chain-run Challenge Modes = VP win.
http://www.wowhead.com/currency=396/valor-points (+Heroic Scenarios will also be a good source in 5.3, only need 2 friends, and no spec requirements) |
If we are sentenced to doing dailies to get rep to get valor gear, can you at least increase the amount of valor you can have total? Or perhaps earn each week? It would grant me more incentive to grind. Nothing too outrageous. Just a thought. You shouldn't be grinding any reps to get Valor gear. Those items aren't really worth going after any more. There's the Shado-Pan Assault, but you get rep by downing each ToT boss each week, and there's no way to 'grind' that. If you're working on Kirin Tor Offensive or Sunreaver Onslaught, hitting Honored is pretty quick, buy the belt for 300g and then only continue with it if you want to hit Exalted or want some of those other rewards. If you're just looking to gear up I'd probably stop there. Check out the Catching Up to 5.3 blog for specifics on how to be gearing right now. |
No you don't. If you want to get that belt it's a pretty small time investment to hit Honored, but it's not necessary to hit ilvls to get into ToT LFR by any stretch. |
That said, a more interesting question is this: in a loot system where VP gear never degrades to JP gear to enable people to catch up faster or gear alts with BOE's, why do we even bother having JP past the first week at 90? Honor conversion for those that like to pvp notwithstanding, the currency currently has absolutely no purpose in game that I can find. We've spoken to that a few times, but essentially it was just an oversight in making VP too much of the gearing process at the start, and there's really no point now in trying to force JP into the mix. The current progression works well, it's quick, it helps people get alts into the latest content, and we're not really looking to force a change just so Justice Points can feel better about themselves. (poor Justice Points, so lonely) |
I think what they're trying to say is if this is the expansion where you are being encouraged to play the game how you want to play it then valor through dailies is too slow. Valor rewards are balanced against the difficulty of the content, and the time and organization it requires. If everything gave the same amount of valor it wouldn't be a choice, there would be 1 fastest and easiest way to get Valor because it would literally be the fastest and easiest way. |
Shado-Pan Assault rep is gained by killing bosses, not doing dailies. But whatever, item upgrades are coming back in 5.3 (and they're cheaper) so that'll be a nice way to dump some VP. |
And you recommend that people get the 480 ilvl required to get into T15's LFR... how exactly? You can't rely on LFR drop rates even after the increase that was provided, and the majority of players don't have 50k in gold to dump on every alt that they hit max lvl with to buy crafted items. You can't discount the entire idea of running 5.0 LFR to gear up because drops are random. Sure you could still get some bad rolls and it may take you a bit longer, but there are many who (with a bunch of Elder Charms, aka bonus rolls) are able to completely gear up for ToT within two weeks. If you want an absolutely reliable way to see an item, do something, and get that item no questions asked, you can do dailies to gain rep and get them for VP, but it's not going to be the quickest way. This isn't a question of what you can and can't do, the only question is how you want to do it. The Catching Up to 5.3 blog assumes you want to gear up as quickly as possible. |
Valor gear should not be gated by rep. Yeah I think that's something we learned from and agree with to a point. The Shado-Pan Assault is technically a rep, but the limit is determined by boss kills. VP items are intended to fill gaps when your boss kills don't give you the items you need. Instead of implementing yet another currency and 'boss kill tracking system' to allow you to fill in the gaps, your access to items is determined purely by killing bosses. Plus tying it to a faction helps make it feel like it's a part of the world and not just a static tracking system. Most of the good SPA rep rewards are frontloaded at Neutral to Honored at least. You hit Friendly week 1, and Honored shortly after that. Getting to Exalted is almost purely vanity, since it's just a tabard and some shoulders that don't even have a socket. You also don't have to do dailies to unlock those 522s, just a week or two of LFR. Right! |
We tend to not want everything to be super formulaic. It gets tiresome when every tier of every expansion the same items are available in the same ways. Mix it up, etc. etc. |