Item budget is weird and crazy. Seriously. It's actually worlds better than it used to be, but still needs to be a lot more clear so people can understand it. Blizzard is bad at getting some really core information like that across. Fair enough. There's a huge amount of information to relate about World of Warcraft, and we can always communicate better and more clearly. We've already stated that PvP stats don't count toward a given item's ilevel, and we released the PvP Gear in Patch 5.3 blog that we hoped would dispel some confusion. What do you think is missing, and what else needs to be communicated clearly so players can make informed gearing decisions? |
Why does my ilvl 476 honor pvp gear have more pvp power on it than my 493 ilvl conquest gear? PvP power is getting a nerf next patch but I don't understand some of the decisions being made this expansion gear-wise. Correct. The combination of the 5.3 blog, and this older 5.2 blog will help provide a clearer picture: |
What exactly is there to decide? Players are constantly making decisions about how to spend their time in World of Warcraft, including what gear to get from which source, and when. A lot has changed recently, and as evidenced by the other posts in this thread, not everyone is as up to speed on the changes as we might like. |