Quoted from http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/blog/8043620/Ask_the_Devs_%E2%80%94_53_PTR_Edition-19_04_2013
Question - (Ayatrolla, Aegwynn); (Monklighter, Sanguino); (Дертрок, Ревущий фьорд); (Zergul, Nethersturm):
With the changes to PvP gear and resilience in 5.3, how is it that you plan for World PvP to work so that PvE gear won’t be overly dominant?
Answer - (Systems Design Team):
Fully geared Conquest gear gives you about 60% PvP Power, which translates to 60% more damage. Wearing such gear, you will have a significant advantage over the LFR-geared player, have a moderate advantage over the normal-geared player, and should be pretty competitive with a Heroic raid–geared player—they may have more survivability, but you might do more damage. Statistically, Heroic-geared raiders are a very small percentage of WoW players, so you’re unlikely to even encounter them out in the world. If you do, the outcome will likely come down not to small gear disparities, but who is more skilled at PvP, who got the jump on whom, and which side outnumbers the other.
World PvP is inherently unfair, which is also part of its charm, compared to structured Arenas and Battlegrounds. (Imagine for a moment world PvP with gates that opened after a shared countdown!) Overall we think the gear changes we’re talking about will be a good improvement for organized PvP, without causing much or any harm to world PvP.
Heroic raiders will be able to do RBG and arena but I don't see how that is fair to equally dedicated PvPers as they can't just go into a heroic raid and be on par or possibly outshine people in heroic gear in their PvP gear, PvP power does nothing for PvE. Keeping in mind that this is PTR this may not go ahead but most things are just implemented then fixed later in some patch *cough* 5.4 *cough*
That is referring to world PvP. In world PvP, those in full Conquest gear "should be pretty competitive with a Heroic raid–geared player—they may have more survivability, but you might do more damage." In instanced PvP, such as Arena and Battlegrounds the player in PvP gear will have an upper hand, and the player with PvE gear has the better equipment for dungeons and raids.
I hope this clears that up, the devs are referring to world PvP specifically and not PvP in general. |