Post your favourite screenshots from game here.
Screw offical SSotD, these gotta be certainly better.
it can be anything, it can be edited with paint, it can be anything expect selfish self-shots or something like that.
These shots are allowed to be jokes of the current, general situation in WoW.
Anything. Past expansion, no limits just let it fly.
My screenshot happy horde bg:*
I'm sure you can do better, no? Just please no selfish shots.
TIP: click and hold on one end of the link*, move it to right or left (depends where you started), then release and ctrl + c. Make a new window/tab on your web browser and click on the link space, then ctrl + v. Then just press enter. In case you didn't know, a faster way to snatch links. Well some new internet users didn't... Catch of the day. Would have been extra epic had there been a ![]() |