Why do you guys think pvp is so much better than pve? The most common reason I hear is ''pve is just so easy its just simple rotation and not standing in fire''
Vice Versa thread/Inspiration: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8518312848?page=1
I like both, but for different reasons. While I enjoy PvE, it's a different kind of challenge. The challenge in PvE (for me), is executing perfect rotations, knowing each fight and maximizing my effectiveness within the parameters set by the fight, and being an excellent team mate. The rush of success that comes with taking down a challenging encounter along with a group of friends is both exhilarating and irreplaceable, and isn't (again, for me) something that I find in the PvP game. I love PvP because it's dynamic and competitive. I need to know what my enemies are capable of, and what the class I'm playing is capable of, and how to maximize my strengths and take advantage of their weaknesses. I really enjoy perfectly executing my abilities to best live, thinking opponents. Despite the fact that I'm always facing the "same" foes, every fight is unique, and sometimes the unexpected can occur, which forces me to re-assess my strategy from moment to moment. So, PvP is deeply satisfying to me in a way that PvE isn't (for me). It's also a pursuit where I can see my individual contribution to victory in a recognizable and immediate way. Finally, the fact that it's a 'quick hit' kind of play style that doesn't require as much waiting around or preparation as PvE can, makes it easier to jump in game and really enjoy myself even if I only have a short time to play. |
Do you know why it got deleted Daxx? I didn't delete it personally, so I can't say for certain, but there are a number of reasons why a thread might be deleted. They're all contained in the posting guidelines and forum code of conduct: Code of Conduct: http://us.battle.net/en/community/conduct Posting Guidelines: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866#2 |
I don't think that PVE is easier or harder in any way. I find myself in agreement. Different, certainly. When these discussions happen, no one ever seems to bring up that, while PvP involves thinking opponents, it also involves opponents that are capable of making errors or simply employing sub-optimal tactics. Bosses are scripted, yes, but those encounters are designed to be challenging despite the fact that they're scripted, and you can't hope that a boss will make a mistake either. |