There are 16 bosses you have to clear on normal and then heroic, recruiting is hard enough since you changed your recruitment forums years back to be a giant clusterf* and to top it off, HOLIDAYS that maybe didn't matter when we were younger but now that we're not - we can't skip em anymore.
I'm pretty irate atm and just venting but I wish you'd give us more than TWO WEEKS notice sometimes. TWO WEEKS??? Used to give us a month or two. Thanks for nothing.
Certainly depending on how much time you can play, as well as other types of content (such as holiday events as you mention), your mileage may vary on how far into the expansion you are. It's definitely a balancing act between not enough content and too much, and it's not going to be the same player to player to player. Re: Recruitment, you may want to try using the in-game /guildfinder tool, as well as your realm forum. The Raid and Guild Leadership forum is also a good place to seek advice on recruitment, and I'm sure some others here may also have recommendations on how to best focus your recruitment efforts.
I'm not aware of ever providing a month or two, we generally don't know a patch release date until a couple weeks at most before it's released. The estimate for the end of this month is still just an estimate, and could very well move. Patch releases are dependent on many factors, not the least of which is testing and bug fixing. When we can we like to be able to give a couple weeks heads up so you can plan, and specifically prepare for currency down-conversions, as well as PvP season changes when applicable. In the past we've become a little shy about providing a heads up because if and when dates slip there's been a strong negative reaction. I think we're at a place though where the majority of people understand release dates can and do slip, and are at least appreciative of being informed. If our estimate changes we'll let you know. |