I have wondered if anyone here has seen, or heard anything in WoW that can gives you the chills...
One Scary moment in WoW was back in Naxx 10, back in Wrath, I heard a "help me, save me" scream on the way to Thaddius, and when I heard "nooooo!" after that, my back was tied up. Even to this day, as I am trying to get T7 from Naxx25, I fear Thaddius. I then looked up his lore, it was very creepy.
How about you guys?
I'll never forget the moment when World of Warcraft was new, and I accidentally blundered into Duskwood around level 8. The cheerful daylight of Westfall and Elwyn Forest were suddenly blotted out. The trees loomed overhead, choking out the light. Glowing eyes peered down at me from deep shadows in cobweb shrouded canopy overhead. The hair rose on the back of my neck. Then the watchers began shouting "Beware! Beware! A threat lurks in the wild!". ...It was, also, coincidentally, my first death in World of Warcraft. |
Just to elevate the nightmare fuel quotient a bit: Thaddius, built from the flesh of women and children, it is said that their souls are fused together - eternally bound within that foul prison of flesh. |