Hey Blizz here's a thought...let us see what we're siging up for BEFORE accepting an LFR invite.
Maybe we don't want to come in on the tail end of a run especially if the gear we're in search of comes from a boss that's already dead. Or maybe we've killed the last boss already and need a run that will let us get the first two. There are any number of reasons but regardless, we shouldn't be penalized for 30 minutes for wanting a fresh run.
We used to be able to see how many bosses were down already and we could make an informed decision about whether or not we wanted to join. Maybe there's been some discussion explaining why the change was made but, I'm sorry, it was a dumb idea that takes away player choice.
Please bring back the raid preview.
I generally find I'm in a 2/3 partial, and when I re-queue to pick up those first two bosses it does not take an hour to down the final boss. Is it taking you an hour to kill a boss? 45 valor for about 15 minutes more of my time is pretty efficient. |
Sure, and if we just let people pick and choose raids to join there could be 24 other people dropping group to wait in queue again. There are a few things you can do in the game all by yourself that don't involve other players, and we can try to make sure those really work as a single player experience. Raiding just can't be one of them. And, taking a step back, LFR continues to offer an exceptional experience and reward for time invested value versus it not existing.
Oh, and that. :) |
And I believe you presuppose you're the only person playing. ;)
Well I appreciate the quote, at least. But, and don't take this the wrong way, think back to a time not-that-long-ago before LFR existed. How much raid content were you seeing then, how far had you progressed, and what was the time investment? I'm not saying we don't want LFR to be a smooth and pleasant experience, or be accessible, but it's putting 25 people together to let them see, experience, and even get awesome items from end-game content. That is pretty amazing. Automated game systems can only do so much to ensure it's a pleasant experience on the personal terms and whims for every single person. |
Absolutely. We don't want for you to run the same instance multiple times either. We'd be happy to entertain ideas for how we can put a group of 25 strangers together, who all have different goals, expectations, and time constraints, and see each of them remain until the end regardless of anything else that happens in the raid or in their life (drops, wipes, wife came home, cat peed on foot, etc.). |