Hi guys, I'm trying to make a macro wich allows me to use my Energizing Brew and my Engineering Enchant only when a successful Disable has been cast upon the target.
So far my macro looks like this :
#showtooltip Disable
/cast Disable
/run if GetTime()>(cd1 or 0) then
/cast Energizing Brew
/use Malevolent Gladiator's Ironskin Gloves
Wich is good for my Energizing Brew, it works just fine, but not for the following /use.
I've tried to use round brackets after "then" to group up the instructions but without any luck.
Any suggestions?
"If" conditionals and some sort of "while" loops used to be possible to implement with macros in the past (very distant past…), it was a design decision to disable these kind of options as they allowed players to automatize most of the decisions that we think should actually be a core part of the gameplay experience.