so your "incentive" to get people to raid 25, is to give them better odds at gear drops.
do I need to remind you how bad loot is in 10 man? we get 2 drops per boss. it isnt all roses.
now, you are rewarding a 25 man group with better gear, when they are doing the SAME CONTENT as a 10 man raid? if you have a job, and someone is getting paid more for the same work you are doing, wouldnt you be upset?
maybe I like doing 10 man raids with people I know well? maybe I dont want to do 25's? why should I be at a disadvantage just because of the raid format I prefer?
you made 10/25 share the same loot for a reason. now you are going against your own philosophy. care to explain why the change of heart?
Making a choice to spend currency and then receiving an upgrade soon afterward that makes that choice sub-optimal was not created with Thunderforged items, and will continue long after they're no longer viable. |
I think the types of conversations taking place, if nothing else, show that it's at least an engaging change that could mean... something. We'll have to see how it works out, and maybe some day we look back and all laugh at that stupid Thunderforged idea, or maybe we all forget about the forums posts we're making right now because it becomes a solid and accepted part of the game's itemization. In the meantime, your feedback, and back-and-forths, and thoughts, are helpful.