Ok, so on my 90 tank, I just got a group (heroic dungeon) with a player A who kept face-pulling more mobs after I had already pulled mobs myself and kept doing so throughout the instance. I politely asked him not to so he apologized and said that he thought he was queued up as a tank. I told him it was fine and kept going. He persisted with face-pulling rooms.
So we wiped once. I, again, asked him politely not to pull more mobs when I had already pulled a number of mobs to me and to let me do the tanking. He replied: "This is what happens when I don't tank. I get stuck with retards like you (me)".
We resurrected and his friend, player B, started a running commentary about me being female and started mockingly asking me for pictures of my body parts. After he makes those comments, he then goes on start pulling mobs himself. He dies and then blames the healer and starts going off on a tangent about how bad the healer is.
Player A and player B are in the same guild and are friends. We managed to kick player B but continued on with player A in the group. I think player B then started to behave after we kicked his friend.
Anyway, I would like to report them for griefing and harassment but would also like to include screenshots of the conversation that took place in party chat for the GMs to see. How do I go about doing this? And can I report player A for griefing by deliberately pulling rooms or is that overlooked by GMs?
Thank you in advance.
Griefing, in and of itself is not necessarily a violation of our policies. Griefing is usually by definitional "doing something someone does not like", which often is in area that our In-Game Support staff may not be able to intervene. We understand that there are times when you may come across someone you may not get along with for one reason or another and with that in mind our Developers implemented the vote to kick option for the Looking for Dungeon/Raid tool. It may not resolve every issue, may not always be available in every situation, but it can help to avoid some of the occasional ones you may come across. Placing that person on ignore will also prevent grouping with them through that tool in the future. If they are using harassing and inappropriate language, please use the right click report feature and report for: Language. Those reports will be used in any associated investigations
Understandable, there may be times when you may not approve of the language used and wish to report it, but otherwise will continue interacting with the person for other purposes. The system itself is not perfect and always has room for improvement. If you wish to provide feedback on the reporting tool I'd highly recommend using the in-game interface option to Submit Suggestion. |
You can send in a ticket. Make sure to note in the ticket that you cannot right-click on them, so you are unable to use that system. They will accept tickets that way. Make sure you note the date and time of the incident and the names and realms of the characters involved. If the ticket comes back saying to use the right click report system, just click Need More Help and explain again that you cannot right click on the character. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 tries until you get a GM that gets it. Skjellyfetti, please stop recommending submitting multiple tickets. To clarify. If you are unable to use the right click report feature for any reason, you may submit a ticket. Mention that you are unable to report via that means. That you receive a response back that indicates that these matters should be reported via the right click report option does not mean that the matter will not or has not been looked into. It is simply standard information that is included in nearly every harassment report response. |
Yes and no. It depends on the behavior. There will always be folks who you may not get along with or do something that you disagree with, and as the saying goes there is nothing in the policies against being a jerk. That is part of playing a multiplayer game and we are simply unable to micromanage all player interaction. We do what we can and our Developers have implemented several tools that help you deal with those situations. The ignore feature is one of the primary tools when deal with... well those you may consider... tools... or others you wish to have no contact with. For the LFD/LFR system there is the Vote to Kick. Neither of these systems is perfect, but it is unlikely that any will be. You have a wide variety of personalities involved in online games and not everyone will mesh. Though we understand that some of these situations may present a negative play experience, and our goal is always to make the environment you play in fun and fair, there is a limited what our In-Game Support staff is able to address. Harassment in the form of inappropriate language and subject matter leaves very little room for interpretation. Where as someone pulling a group of mobs is not always so clear cut. Does that help explain things a bit more, Eveyana? |
Erm... it's in the patch notes: Precisely. So, if you were placed in a group with someone that was on your ignore list through the LFD/LFR system, assuming that is actually what happened, it should be reported for further investigation. It would be far more productive than accusing others of lying. :) We've reached the end to this one, thank you all. |