We’re aware the following realms are not currently available, and we’re working to investigate the cause and bring them back up as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and will provide further updates as they become available.
Aegwynn Akama Chromaggus Draka Drak'thul Eitrigg Garithos Gundrak Hakkar Jubei'Thos Khaz Modan Korgath Kul Tiras Malorne Mug'thol Muradin Rexxar Runetotem Saurfang Thorium Brotherhood UPDATE: We are aware that several additional realms not listed are also experiencing issues. While we have no updates available at this time, please be advised that the appropriate team is working to resolve it as soon as possible and it's a very high priority. We'll also provide updates as we receive them. Thank you for your patience. |
We are aware that several additional realms not listed are also experiencing issues. While we have no updates available at this time, please be advised that the appropriate team is working to resolve it as soon as possible and it's a very high priority. We'll also provide updates as we receive them. Thank you for your patience.
I'd recommend following the support site. Server side errors very rarely cause client crashing, but it's possible the abrupt disconnection corrupted an addon file? Just guessing, but give this page a shot: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/lockups-and-general-crash-errors-21020 If you need further assistance (because I'm not the best person in the ways of tech support any longer) be sure to open a ticket on that same support site. |