12/05/2012 10:10 PMPosted by
Teelo Oh noes. inc objective this-isn't-as-cool-as-Ulduar complaints.
Tell me, why did you change your username from MicahW? What are you afraid of?
Pull tab cans.
We used first name last initial in Tech Support, back in the day before WoW, and that kind of carried on for a while until most of the outward facing reps took on 'RP' names. The RP names began with the Community Team, and so when I joined Community almost exactly a year before Burning Crusade released, I picked a new name like everyone else!
I just went to go look up when I joined the team, and in doing so found my first ever forum post as Drysc. It was just completely awful:
Hello everyone. I'm very excited to be a part of the World of Warcraft Community team. World of Warcraft is an amazing game and the community surrounding it is complex and diverse; I'm certainly looking forward to becoming more familiar with you all. January 30, 2006