Back in BC couple months before WOTLK, I worked so hard and finally got my 70 night elf hunter decked out in tier gear and had pvp gear too. He was boss status ,had 6k gold. All my friends were envious I remember just killing all the bosses in black temple and all. So one day before I knew about the authenticator I noticed my account was not logging in no worries ill just call blizzard, thing is back then I registered my account under my parents name without them knowing lol. So long story short I basically lost my account. I was hacked and the hacker succeded. I thought it was a virus keylogger. I was sad so sad all that work gone. So present day. My best friend excuse me former best friend told me he sold my account to some guy at my school for like 200$, he said he needed the money for an xbox. So I was going to beat him but I decided no its just a game. So can blizzard or the police do anything is there some kind of statute of limitation?
P.S. It was kinda my fault never log in your account in front of friends NEVER!
I'm sorry that happened, Honeybadger. This is one of the major reasons why we do not allow account sharing. It can not only severely impact the security of an account but others who have access to the account may not always have your best interest at heart.
Technically speaking, the registered user on the account is responsible for all activity that takes place, authorized by you or not. While we try to help in cases of account compromise, what can be done is often limited by circumstance. If you used your parents name when creating the account, they could contact us to see about recovering access and perhaps transferring it into your name. I'd recommend contacting our Billing and Account Services department to see what your options may be. |