There is crafted PvP gear that can help players get off on the right foot. Actually participating in a Battleground increases your team's likelihood of winning (even under-geared players can CC, heal, or even just act as speed bumps - if you genuinely believe that you can't help in other ways, damage you are taking is still damage a team mate isn't taking). By participating, a player can accrue honorable kills, which nets more Honor. Under-geared players can also make a point of sticking with larger groups - there is safety in numbers, and getting lost in the crowd can help you stay alive long enough to make a difference. There's a handy little guide on things you can do to give yourself an edge over on Arena Junkies. Facing the challenges involved with PvPing versus more well geared players is something that nearly all players face in Battlegrounds. There is never call to violate the terms of service and put your account (and any gear you've acquired by exploiting) at risk by AFKing in Battlegrounds. |
I realize it's not for everyone, but I find this particularly compelling. Sure, it's fun on occasion feeling like a wrecking ball, but nothing matches the rush of taking down an obviously more well-geared player via superior skill or tactics. |
We are constantly working to ensure that PvP is fair and fun, and it this is an important issue to us. It is a great help to us when players use the reporting tools that we've included in the game, though. It seems that use of the AFK reporting feature has dropped off considerably, which is unfortunate, because it really does play a direct and active role in our investigations. Ultimately, cynicism doesn't help us catch the offenders. And yes, I realize that bots will clear the AFK flag by getting into combat. Rest assured that the reports can still help. |
Not, I'm not joking, nor were the other players who suggested it as one of several options. It exists, and it can help plug gaps in gear while earning points for better gear. If the concern is walking into PvP and getting steamrolled until you can earn Honor or Conquest gear, it's still a step in the right direction. Edit: Somewhat off-topic, I'm already regretting glibly using the term 'speed bump'. It's much more than that - getting in the face of the enemy, playing smart, using interrupts, and generally being a nuisance can actually have a significant effect on a battle, even if the player falls in the process. |