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Dailies when VP is cap

blizz -> wysłany:
Dear Blizzard:

Please increase the amount of gold when doing dailies when someone is already cap with the Valor Points. I was caped since sunday and after doing dailies, I lose my 5 valor points from dailies when caped.

Or turn them into Justice Points.

Thank you!
blizz -> wysłany:
I understand that when you invest some of your time into dailies, ideally you want to be fully rewarded, but if you’re already capped, I’m just guessing but that probably means that you’ve probably got some of your valor points by running dungeons/raids and didn’t do enough dailies to get the level of reputation required to be able to purchase more gear.
I think planning for this kind of situation is also part of gameplay, trying to be efficient and predicting future purchases is always a good idea.

But I do think that this idea has some value and of course, there are many other things that can cause a player to cap on valor points, like levelling a specific reputation and getting items from some raid bosses that are equivalent or better than those that you were planning to get from rep, running too many dungeons instead of doing dailies, etc…
I’ll pass this idea along to our development team and we'll see what they have to say about it.
blizz -> wysłany:
Sorry if I interpreted the OP as reaching the 3k hard cap, but yes of course you can obviously hit the weekly cap much faster, I guess most people that are interested in getting valor points do.
Like I said, this idea is reasonable and I shared it with the devs, as soon as we have any information on their thoughts regarding this subject, we'll let you know.
blizz -> wysłany:
We have some good news!

Turns out that one of the proposed solutions on this thread was already planned and is currently being worked on by our dev team, they intend to implement a functionality that will convert excessive Valor Points into Justice Points in the near future.
Unfortunately this change won’t make it in time for the 5.1 patch but will be added with a future patch.

Thanks for your continued feedback and for helping us to keep improving our game ;)