You may have read about Spirit of Harmony in our previous article, Professions: Living in Perfect Harmony, but now it’s time for us to share the rest of the story. To get you caught up on some of the other profession changes, we sat down with the designers once more to talk about them. So let’s just get to it. ![]() Tools of the Trade +10There’s something to be said for having the right tool for the right job. In the past, we’ve been taught to carry the tools required for our professions, like the mining pick, skinning knife, and blacksmithing hammer. (How’d you get that fishing pole to fit in your backpack, anyway?) With Mists of Pandaria, that’s all going to change. No longer will you boldly run out into the world with your newly created character to slay beasts and skin them for their hides only to find you forgot to buy a skinning knife. You’ll now be able to perform profession-related tasks without carrying tools. Instead, players will benefit from carrying tools by the skill bonuses they provide. Need that next bump in skill level? Buy the appropriate tool and get to work. Time is money, friend! ![]() Primary ProfessionsPrimary professions represent an important aspect of the game, as many players have relied upon them to make gold by leveraging their skill and salesmanship. Each will be touched in some way by the discovery of Pandaria. In Mists of Pandaria, the method in which one learns the ways of the alchemist has changed fundamentally. When first learning this profession, players will find only two recipes available from the trainer. From then on, the path to mastery is paved with the joy of discovery. As you level your Alchemy skills, you’ll be able to learn more recipes as you go. Skill and discovery go hand in hand and you won’t be able to discover some recipes until you reach the appropriate skill level. For example, you can only learn new Transmutes once they become discoverable at skill level 550, although each alchemist’s journey is different, so you never know what you’ll end up concocting. With this system, every alchemist will have a unique skill-leveling experience, but the system will try to provide you with the most appropriate recipes for the materials you’re most likely to have at the time. One important Pandarian resource to keep in mind isOf course Pandaria wouldn’t be Pandaria without the prized Golden Lotus (the herb, not the faction). These will be in high demand as they tend to be rare and are used in a variety of pandaren recipes, ranging from gems to flasks to treasure finding potions. In addition, a new swiftness potion can turn the user into a Jinyu Assassin for a short duration. Remember the Alchemist Stone? You can find these out in the world now as a random upgradable quest item (it’s a rock). Alchemists will also be able to help other professionals by transmuting Living Steel, a much-needed material for crafting epic items.
Raid recipes for all three of these professions will drop from both “trash” mobs and bosses. The special Raid crafting reagent, the Blood Spirit, is only found when disenchanting raid weapons. Blacksmiths will want to cozy up to the Klaxxi (mantid elders) to learn new weapon, shield spike, weapon chain, and epic armor recipes that are crafted completely from things you can find out in the world. You’ll also be able to purchase PvP and tanking armor recipes (for one Spirit of Harmony each) from Jorunga Stonehoof in the Shrine of Two Moons or from Cullen Hammerbrow in the Shrine of Seven Stars. Leatherworkers will be working closely with the Golden Lotus faction to learn recipes for epic armor and leg armor kits. Much like blacksmiths, leatherworkers will be able to purchase PvP armor recipes for one Spirit of Harmony each from Krogo Darkhide in the Shrine of Two Moons and Tanner Pang in the Shrine of Seven Stars. Tailors will be able to buy a new 28-slot bag pattern, aptly named the Royal Satchel, when they reach Exalted reputation with the August Celestials. It’s worth noting that this bag is costly to make; there is no easily-made bag to replace the hard-earned Illusionary Bags you may have collected during Cataclysm. If you didn’t get your bags then, start saving for this one!
What would the Engineering profession be without a few new toys? Wait ‘til you get a load of the two new rocket mounts that engineers can craft -- and anyone can ride (for a small fee, right engineers?) Engineers will also be able to create a new pet, the Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, and we’ve removed restrictions from others using great new items such as bombs, the Dragonling trinket, and yes, even a portable anvil (and forge) for the blacksmith on the go. (Limited use item -- please see your local engineer for more information.) Oh, and remember the Parachute Cloak? You love that parachute cloak right? So, how about we kick it up a notch and give you the Goblin Glider. Like the Parachute Cloak, you’ll be able to take to the air, but instead of merely floating, you’ll be able to glide with style in the direction (forward ho!) you want to go without being at the mercy of the wind. But wait, there’s more! Sometimes you just want to add a little sparkle to your day, perhaps even a little bling. We present to you, stalwart and talented engineers of Azeroth, the Blingtron 4000. It doesn’t slice, it doesn’t dice, but it does churn out gifts! You’ll have ‘em lining up wherever you set this new invention down in the hope of getting a special gift. (Gifts are limited to one per day, per account, to anyone who talks with him while he’s around.) The Blingtron 4000 will be fully stocked with a variety of fun items such as Party Grenades, but even better than that, it has a chance (a very, very small one) to give the gift of an Engineering mount or pet. Consider this your way of giving a little something back to the world you live in. (Worship and adulation from the masses don’t hurt either.) You may have already noticed that Engineering tinkers now all require the same reagent, the Tinker’s Kit. In addition to being able to purchase these from Engineering vendors, you can also make them yourself. (OK, there’s one tinker that still uses the old materials, but we promise that will be fixed in an upcoming patch.)
For herbalists that need a little help plucking these delicate yet valuable herbs from the soil (Tauren, we’re looking at you), a new tool is now available that provides a +10 boost: the spade. We’ve also reduced the requirement to 1 for low-level herbs and ore, so you’ll be able to make steady progress a little bit more regularly through the zones as you level.
Kyparite is a crystalized form of sap from the mighty Kypari trees. The Klaxxi desire it above all else, and will teach blacksmiths how to use it to make weapons and epic armor.
We’ve also limited the number of Jeweler’s Gems you can equip to two in order to make it a bit easier to gear up. You’ll be able to prospect Meta Gems and Meta Gem recipes will be found as world drops from any creatures with a reasonably high chance to drop Bind on Pickup itemsacross Pandaria. Jewelcrafters will also be able to create a Scrying Gem so they can look far into the distance with something a little like far sight. Oh, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the new Panther mounts jewelcrafters can create that will be available for anyone to purchase or ride. It’s worth noting that the Grab Bag you can earn in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms has a chance for Meta Gems and two new Jewelcrafting pet recipes. ![]() Secondary ProfessionsSecondary professions can be taken by anyone and provide their own benefits. Not much has changed with them, though we think there are least a couple of quality of life improvements for any citizen of Azeroth. You’ll now be able to start making the high-end bandages at skill level 550. When you reach the maximum skill of 600, you’ll become more efficient at making these bandages and will need fewer materials.
That’s a lot of information and that should wrap things up for now, but we haven’t forgotten Archeology, Cooking, or Inscription. Check back soon to learn more about these professions too.