wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     

2 more super OP abilities waiting to be fixed

blizz -> wysłany:
I am really glad that you fixed paladins holy shock but unfortunately people still get one shotted.

First: Marksmanship Hunter with talent "Careful Aim" should have about 100% crit chance with his "Aimed Shot" on players with more than 90% health. And he hits for really high. My blue geared druid (level 70-74) gets mostly hit for more damage than I have health.
Those are really annoying situations when you fight in a group of people supporting eachother, healing, etc and suddenly from 100% health you go to 0% and the reason of this is a hunter.

Second: Discipline Priest with his "Penance" In less than 3 seconds he strikes you for around 9000 damage. 3k a tick. And this is only when he does not crit. If he does crit at least once than It is 12k damage that will kill mosst of the players on this level. Battleground scoreboards show mostly Discipline Priests on the top of the damage done list.

There are many other abilities that deal way too much damage but they are not as deadly as those 2 mentioned earlier. Sometimes even with "Barskin" on I get one shotted by hunters, and the only way I can survive Discipline Priest Penancing me is to have maximum number of hots on me before he casts the spell, But sometimes even this is not enough.

This thread is not to discuss the lack of balance on lower levels, this is about GOD MODE-LIKE abilities that need to be fixed (hopefuly soon enough)
blizz -> wysłany:
Hey Atris,

As was mentioned if you have suggestions for improvements and ideas for abilities that you feel need fixing then the best thing to do is use the in-game suggestions feature. The suggestions submitted in this manner will go directly to the development teams.

To submit a suggestion in-game:

  • Open the Customer Support window (the red question mark on your action bar).
  • Click Submit Suggestion.
  • Enter your suggestion, making sure to follow the guidelines on the submission form.
  • Click Submit.